Summer music series from PEBA

The Pulaski/Elston Business Association (aka PEBA, or SSA #79) is sponsoring a new summer music series: Live on Lawrence! The first two events will be in the parking lot of Clark Street Sports at 4506 W Lawrence on Thursday 6/20 and Thursday 7/18 at 6pm.

Free dance performance and dog fair clinic events

On Sunday, May 5th at 3pm, Thwack Dance will be performing “Something Like a Love Letter” at Mayfair Park (4550 W Sunnyside). Attendance is free!

On Saturday, May 11th from 10:00am-1:00pm, Chicago Animal Care & Control will be hosting a free dog fair clinic, including vaccines & microchips, at the 17th District Police Station (4650 N Pulaski). There is a limit of 100 animals; first come, first served.

Alderman hosting Property Tax Workshop, 3/18

Alderman Nugent is hosting a Property Tax Workshop with Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer on Monday, March 18 at the Ward Office at 4200 W Lawrence Avenue from 10am-3pm. Residents can schedule an appointment to review their tax bill and discuss and file for exemptions. We will host another workshop to help with appeals when the appeal window opens later this year. Please call 773.736.5594 or email to schedule a 20-minute appointment.

Dance performance and holiday get-together

Come one, come all to the Thwack Dance Company performance of the Christmas Oratorio at 6:30 PM on December 15 at the Mayfair Park field house (4550 W Sunnyside Ave), followed immediately by a holiday celebration in the Fifth Province pub at the Irish American Heritage Center (4626 N Knox Ave).