Tag: notice
12/15 Winter clothes distribution held by 17th District CAPS, currently collecting donations
Robbery patterns in 17th District
The Chicago Police CAPS office shared on 11/22 two robbery patterns to be aware of. First vehicle is a White Jeep Grand Cherokee with tinted windows, no plate information at this time. It appears to have a missing front plate and possible rear Illinois plate. Second vehicle is possibly a dark grey colored 4-door Infinity with tinted windows and a missing rear passenger side window. These offenders are armed.
Recent garage burglaries
We’ve gotten a report from the 17th Police District CAPS office that there has been a recent increase in garage burglaries on the 4700 block of N Springfield, 4800 N Harding, and 4700 N Kenneth. No further information at this time. Be cautious, and stay safe out there!
If you have questions or comments, please contact the CAPS office at 312-742-4588, or email caps.017district@chicagopolice.org. Learn about the Office of Community Policing at https://home.chicagopolice.org/community-policing-group.
Mayfair Park sculpture selection
Following is a list of sculptures for possible installation in Mayfair Park, from Chicago Sculpture International. We will discuss during the Thursday, 5/11 Zoom meeting. To attend, please send an email mayfair-civic-contact@googlegroups.com for the meeting info. To be notified of future meetings consider joining our mailing list at mayfair-civic@googlegroups.com by clicking here and clicking “Ask to join group”.
Mayfair Residents, Business Owners Can Get Money Back For Buying Security Cameras
Pulaski/Elston Business Association (PEBA) is launching a program that will reimburse most of the cost of security cameras for Mayfair residents and business owners. See the following article from Block Club.
Article on Block Club: https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/04/24/mayfair-residents-business-owners-can-get-money-back-for-buying-security-cameras/
Also, beware the consequences for privacy:
17th District PD Community Conversation to create the 2023 Strategic Plan
The Chicago Police Department will be holding a Community Conversation for the consent decree required 2023 Strategic Plan later this month, on 10/25 and 10/27 @ 6pm for the 17th District.
For details, visit chicagopolice.org/convo. You can search for our police district (017) to find the meeting registration link, including dates, times, locations, and the Zoom meeting link.
You can register for either in-person, virtual attendance, or both by clicking here.
In-Person Meeting
2022-10-27 @ 6pm
4626 N Knox
Virtual Meeting
2022-10-25 @ 6pm
Zoom ID: 817 3155 0779
Pass: 583782
Zoom Link
For more info or special accommodations, call 312-742-4588 or email CAPS.017District@chicagopolice.org.
Fliers from CPD

Wanted: Treasurer
Mayfair Civic Association is looking for a new treasurer. If you or someone you know has accounting skills and would like to get more involved and contribute directly to your neighborhood, contact MCA President Ron Duplack at rduplack@rieckcrotty.com. Thank you for your support!